One Glory of the Christian is knowing that nothing bad ever happens to us. We have this confidence and know everything, even the most painful affliction or the longest trial comes to us from the hand as an act of love from our Father. It comes as a means of Him drawing us closer to Himself. So he can display that that He is our savior, comforter and rescuer, so that we would always know that provision is there for us. He hides and comes in the dark skies Psa 18:11. When affliction comes we can say it is from the Lord and it is good.  God is closest to us when we are in affliction. He is the good shepherd who watches over us closely to care for us most when we are in His school of affliction. What a great comfort this is, how amazing this is, when we can experiences and trust this. We can live above our circumstances, we can pass through storms, we can bound on mountain tops with hinds feet. Even if we have small faith as a mustard seed we can choose to experience this heaven on earth.

We should not compare ourselves to others or cling to how our fleshly thoughts, dreams and delights would like it to be. Those false expectations and lusts are the cause of our dissatisfaction and disappointment when we don’t get what we want. Give up your worldly expectations.  Instead be content and rejoice in His work in us. We do not see the big picture that perhaps he’s leaving us in want or affliction not just for ourselves but also for the benefit of others around us who behold us rejoicing in trials and praising Him for His affliction, knowing it is a gift to us. Then they may behold our conduct and ask, how this can be so in our lives. Whereby we may give an answer for the hope within us and glorify his name, to which purpose we are made and live on this earth. We must remind ourselves that it’s not only about us, but he is using us to gain glory all the time. So with such a great salvation and gift of grace given to us how can we mourn? How can our lips and our countenance be restrained from Joy knowing that we are already citizens of heaven and each day is a step closer to our new Jerusalem. We are breaking free out of Babylon and escaping the destruction and eternal suffering that we deserve. Shall we then complain because our escape is a rough path; that there are rocks and pits, deep rivers and steep mountains? Now none of these are real obstacles to us because
